A Quote from Thomas Paine
American writer and patriot Thomas Paine warned over 200 years ago:
"He who is the author of a war lets loose the whole contagion of hell and opens a vein that bleeds a nation to death."
Welcome! Please take the time to add your own comments so this blog can encourage an exchange of ideas. You can comment anonymously. Since George Bush finally did get elected, we have much to be concerned about in the next four years. I guess that means that this blog will continue.
At June 11, 2004 at 6:40:00 PM EDT,
Peacegirl said…
This is Bush's war. He has aided those who aspire to use terrorist tactics. He tells us that we are fighting terrorism and that we are winning. We are not winning. Bush's policies have increased the enthusiam and determination of terrorists. The US foreign policy has created "a ghastly assembly line of death and destruction. Terrorists now have much more valuable on-the-job training in Iraq." (John D. Goldhammer, Ph.D, a Seattle writer, psychologist, and author.)
The world is viewing Americans more and more in a bad light. We can say this is not America, but the horrors we create are done in our name. We cannot extricate ourselves from the behavior of our government.
We must have a regime change in America.
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