Shocking Discovery
My friends, "The Daily Mis-Lead" reports that the Bush campaign had "no idea that [Kenneth] Cordier was involved in the SBVT (Swift Boat Veterans for Truth [ha! ha!]) ads." Well, what do you folks think? Cordier appears prominently in the SBVT ads which, as just about everybody knows, have been sadly a major issue in the campaign for weeks and replayed repeatedly on national television. They had no idea. Are we to assume that absolutely no one in the Bush camp is assigned to monitor TV or radio or read the papers?
As a result of this shocking discovery, Mr. Cordier has been relieved of his duties as a member of the B/C veterans steering committee.
Oh, and one more thing: The primary backer of the fraudulent ads is Bob Perry. We've never heard of him until now. He is THE top donor to Republicans in Texas and a longtime associate of none other than Karl "The Snake" Rove, Bush's top political advisor for nearly 20 years. Perry contributed $200,000 to SBVT.
But still.....
They had no earthly idea!
At August 26, 2004 at 12:18:00 AM EDT,
Peacegirl said…
The Dallas Morning News yesterday (8/24/04) reported that the man bankrolling the smear ads is hosting President Bush's top political adviser (Rove) at a fundraiser in New York during the Republican National Convention. Robert Perry, the top Bush-Cheney fundraiser who is financing the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth ads, "is listed as the co-host" of an event whose guest list includes Karl Rove on September 1st.
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