William Rivers Pitt Pulls No Punches
If you can bear a really harsh reality check, read Pitt's article published by Truthout.org. (Click on the title above to bring you there.) In his own biting style, William Rivers Pitt calls it like he sees it. And, of course, as we all know, it isn't pretty.
Pitt writes of The Project for the New American Century, or PNAC for short. Every American needs to know about this right-wing think tank. These organizations are hiding under every rock in DC, but PNAC is different from all the others. Members include Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Elliot Abrams (National Security Council), John Bolton (Undersecretary for Arms Control and International Security), and Lewis Libby (Cheney's top Natonal Security assistant). If you look down the list, you can even find Dan Quayle's name. But at the moment, I think he is fairly harmless. Not so, the others.
In 2000 the PNAC published a manifesto, "Rebuilding America's Defenses." Pitt calls this a "doozy of a document," and it is that. If you haven't visited their web site, go there sometime soon. It's all laid out right there in plain view- their plan for world domination. I'm serious, friends. The group has been chomping at the bit to invade Iraq for almost ten years. They advocate the invasion and occupation of Iraq (for reasons having absolutely nothing to do with Saddam Hussein), the building of permanent military bases in Iraq (we are now building 14 new bases), the takeover by Western petroleum corporations of Iraq's oil industry, and the ultimate destabilization and overthrow of a variety of regimes in the Middle East by military or economic means, or both.
The death toll for American soldiers is nearing 1000. Well over 10,000 Iraqi civilians have likewise died. Over $200 billion has been spent to do this. Fighting rages across several sections of Iraq, and the puppet "leaders" installed by U.S. forces are about to declare martial law. So much for liberation.
Iran and Osama bin Laden couldn't be happier. Saddam Hussein has been removed from power. The extreme unrest and innocent bloodshed strengthens Iran's position against the U. S. and serves to recruit more martyrs for bin Laden. Halliburton contracts in Iraq are flourishing. The bases have been built. The oil industry has been privatized. However, Iraq is now in complete chaos. The whole PNAC plan has resulted in complete failure. Pitt says the neocons are "not as smart as they thought they were."
The article which inspired this blog is entitled "The Writing on the Latrine Walls." William Rivers Pitt interviewed a Reuters photographer who had just returned from six months in Iraq. This photographer told Pitt that the soldiers wouldn't talk about their feelings when they were in a group, but you can find their true feelings written on the walls of the Port-O-Potties. The anti-Bush stuff is written there. The soldiers want to go home.
Somehow, some way, we need to bring our soldiers home. They need to come home, and we need to get out of Iraq as soon as humanly possible. It is not a "cut and run" plan. It is the right thing to do. Our presence in Iraq is causing the violence. Please, Mr. Kerry, help us get out of Iraq. Loosen the stranglehold of the PNAC. We want our country back. We do not want to be the bully of the world.
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