Scheuer Warns of Terror Threat
Sunday night, November 14th, on "60 Minutes," Michael Scheuer, formally "Anonymous" and author of "Imperial Hubris," will talk to Steve Kroft in his first television interview without disguise. Scheuer knows more about OBL than anyone in the West. He has tracked OBL since the mid-80's. He says of al Quaeda:
Their intention is to end the war as soon as they can, and to ratchet up the pain for the Americans until we get out of their region.
And now bin Laden has religious approval to use a nuclear device against Americans, Scheuer claims. Bin Laden has obtained a long treatise from a Saudi sheik which found that OBL "was perfectly within his rights to use them [nuclear weapons]. Muslims argue that the United States is responsible for millions of dead Muslims around the world, so reciprocity would mean you could kill millions of Americans."
Scheuer says that the threat posed by bin Laden is underestimated. "I think our leaders over the last decade have done the American people a disservice...continuing to characterize OBL as a thug, as a gangster....Until we respect him we are going to die in numbers that are probably unnecessary....He's a very, very talented man and a very worthy opponent."
In my personal opinion (Carol Manuel), I think George Bush is "misunderestimating" the threat posed by OBL and has done so with an inappropriate smugness which is going to cause unimaginable suffering, not only for the people of Iraq (which, of course, has already occurred and will continue) , but, of course, for Americans. While claiming we are winning the war on terrorism and the war in Iraq is going well, he is putting us in extreme danger.
The blind faith and unearned loyalty which many Americans bestow on George Bush will prove to be misplaced. Bush deserves no such loyalty.
[Click on the blog title to read the CBS News article.]
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