Smart Aleck Christianity Scalia Style
I think one must beware when, in order to justify one's beliefs, one resorts to ridicule of anyone who might have another opinion or belief. U. S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who in effect appointed George Bush in 2000, has a habit of traveling about the country giving self-righteous speeches about his Christian fundamentalist approach to his life and his work. He delights in mocking those whom he sarcastically calls the sophisticated and the wise, usually drawing laughter from his like-minded audiences.
"We are fools for Christ's sake," says Scalia. "We must pray for the courage to suffer the contempt of the sophisticated world."
Long-suffering, these poor fundamentalists. They are so ridiculed and persecuted. Of course, they wouldn't think of treating the rest of us in a derisive way. Or would they? Since the so-called election, which has yet to be completed, the winners, including these religious people, have been in a state of ecstacy, thinking that they now have made their mark and are in charge of the country from now on. And they believe with all their heart that God ordained this. They are publically thanking God for delivering the election to their kind.
Justice Scalia is proud to wear his Christian badge of courage and to suffer the labels some may give him. In the second Bush administration, this group of our population will perhaps enjoy a period of pleasant comraderie, knowing that they somehow are all alike and share the same beliefs. They feel a new sense of empowerment bestowed upon them by the likes of Scalia, Bob Jones, Pat Robertson, Falwell, and, of course, the President himself, who is now expected to show his gratitude to these people for their blind faith in voting for him.
One of my family members once explained to me that anyone who does not believe (no object to the verb) is deceived. This put me in the latter category, since I don't believe in the way she defines belief. I have never quite gotten over this act of disregard on her part. There was no way I could be on the inside. I would have to prescribe to her requirement of belief. Otherwise, to the outer realm I go! It is the theme of the Bush administration as well:
My way or the highway...
What is so alarming about this attitude of arrogance and intolerance is that men and women in high places in our government are using this approach as they govern our country. We are not a Christian nation, but if we were, we would still differ from one another, depending on our denomination. Our country, however, was founded on the principle of religious freedom and the separation of church and state. Blood was shed for these principles. Millions of immigrants have come here seeking such freedoms. Now we face a 4-year trial of Bush politics. May God and Goddess save us from the President and his followers who have the answers for all of us and will not listen to anyone.
[Click on the blog title to read the Chiago Tribune article by Angela Rozas (11/22/2004).]
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