Carol's News and Vues

Welcome! Please take the time to add your own comments so this blog can encourage an exchange of ideas. You can comment anonymously. Since George Bush finally did get elected, we have much to be concerned about in the next four years. I guess that means that this blog will continue.

Monday, August 16, 2004

He Who Must Not Be Named

All you Harry Potter fans out there will know what I mean about the evil character Voldemort whose name is not to be said outloud. Some astute people have noticed that George Bush has adopted this policy when it comes to Osama bin Laden. Bush seems to avoid the name at all costs. Why? Well, he says he's not really all that concerned about bin Laden.

Read what DailyKos writes today:

Since the beginning of 2003, in fact, Bush has mentioned bin Laden's name on only 10 occasions. And on six of those occasions it was because he was asked a direct question.
In addition, there were four times when Bush was asked about bin Laden directly but was able to answer without mentioning bin Laden's name himself.

Not once during that period has he talked about bin Laden at any length, or said anything substantive. During the same period, for comparison purposes, Bush has mentioned former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein on approximately 300 occasions.

The last time Bush spoke protractedly about bin Laden was at a March 2003 news conference. Bush was asked then by Kelly Wallace of CNN why he so rarely mentioned bin Laden, and whether bin Laden was, in fact, dead or alive- Bush's answer: "So I don't know where he is. You know, I just don't spend that much time on him, Kelly, to be honest with you ... I truly am not that concerned about him."

Not new, but good to remind ourselves that Bush isn't focused on the person who planned the attacks on 9-11.


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