Carol's News and Vues

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Saturday, February 19, 2005

Obstructionist Republicans

The Bush administration and Congressional leaders, especially Frist, Hatch, and Allen, love to stand in judgment and express their holier-than-thou indignation about those Democrats who just want to obstruct every vote and stall the democratic process. It's that sour grapes syndrome they think. Democrats don't want anything that Republicans want. Democrats put their own agendas above the good of the country.

Well, well, well......

This past week the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee delayed voting on legislation (S. 131) on the so-called "Clear Skies" initiative until March 2 to avoid a tie vote that would have killed this attack on the Clean Air Act in committee.

Over the next two weeks, Committee Chair Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) and the White House will be working hard to persuade key swing members on the committee like Senators Max Baucus (D-MT), Lincoln Chafee (R-RI), and Tom Carper (D-DE) to vote for this dangerous legislation. Why is it dangerous?

The "Clear Skies" plan:
* Weakens clean air act requirements for most industries;
* Weakens requirements to minimize toxic pollution;
* Repeals local air quality protections;
* Weakens protections against haze and pollution for our National Parks;
* Revokes local and state authorities to control pollution;
* Delays deadlines for achieving clean air.

Why such a bill needs any debate is puzzling. You'd think everyone would be for improved living conditions and good health. And you'd think that everyone would want to leave the earth in good condition for future generations. Wouldn't they? But no wonder the Republicans want to further roll back environmental and public health protections. This is a Sweetheart Deal for polluters who, of course, contribute millions of dollars to the Republican Party. Our Congress listens to those who have money to keep them in office. It must be hard to resist being bought and paid for. Fundraising, after all, cannot be much fun. It's so easy to just take a stand for polluters and watch the money roll in. All the more vacation time for politicians who need not fund raise nearly as much. It's all about the money. Is it about what's best for human beings or the planet? Of course, not. What a ridiculous thing that would be!

So, of course, it is OK to delay this vote if it looks like the bill will be defeated. It's OK, that is, if you have an "R" after your name. Otherwise, you are aiding the terrorists!

Long live the filibuster! Disappoint Frist!

[Go to Save Our Environment for more information.]


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