Bush Is Stealing From Your Wallet: $1000 Per Year
We are being duped. Bush has not protected us against the oil industry. We are being bilked, and Bush is OK with that. $1000 every year for the last 4 years. Click on the blog title to see more. (To get to the Energy part, scroll down to the bottom where it says "Under the Radar.") Most of what Bush does to steal from us is done under the radar. He is counting on the fact that we won't find out until he's safely in place for a second term in office. Then he won't mind if we find out what dastardly things he has done to us.
ENERGY – THE PRICE OF UNCHECKED CONSOLIDATION: According to a new report by leading consumer groups, Americans "have been hit by an average $1,000 increase in their annual household energy bills during the past four years, draining more than $500 billion from the economy." The report by Consumers Union and Consumer Federation of America shows "much of these higher prices are due to unchecked consolidation in the oil and gas industry, which has resulted in a lack of competition and increased profits – close to $100 billion – for oil and gas companies since 2000." Instead of addressing this consolidation, the Bush administration has done the bidding of its financiers in the oil industry. According to research by Bloomberg News, "President George W. Bush allowed an increase in oil-refinery mergers to go unchecked since he took office and may have contributed to the highest gasoline prices in 20 years." Specifically, the Bush administration "approved 33 takeovers totaling $19.5 billion" – a far higher rate than the 21 mergers worth $7.3 billion approved under President Bill Clinton. Making matters worse, earlier this year Bush appointed a ChevronTexaco lawyer to head up the Federal Trade Commission – the government agency responsible for approving or rejecting industry mergers.
I will vote for John Kerry and John Edwards on November 2nd because I believe they will protect us in every way humanly possible. How do I know that for sure? Call it trust. I trust them more than their opponents. Bush and Cheney cannot be trusted. I am sure that Bush will continue helping the rich and shrinking the middle class. I am very confident Kerry will do the opposite. I am willing, very willing, to take that chance.
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