The Germans Have a Backbone
Seems Bush cancelled the town hall style meeting in Germany this week because those planning the event insisted it actually be a town hall format, that is, not scripted in any way. Bush declined. Originally, this town hall meeting was to be the main highlight of Bush's trip, a chance to talk with "average" Germans. A few weeks ago, the Bush administration had declared that the chat would be the cornerstone of Bush's visit in Germany. The White House, however, had second thoughts. Trip planners got cold feet. They asked if the rules could be changed. The answer was simply NO!
The Germans, though, insisted that a free forum should be exactly that. Wolfgang Ischinger, Germany's Ambassador to the United States, explained to the New York Times last week: "We told them, don't get upset with us if they ask angry questions."
Instead the president will meet with a well-heeled group of so-called "young leaders." In order to guarantee an open exchange, the meeting has been closed to journalists.
What a coward!
[Click on the blog title to read the article from Spiegel Online from 02/23/2005.]
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