Carol's News and Vues

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Friday, September 24, 2004

The Power of Positive Thinking Bush Style

Pollyanna George wants us all to be upbeat about Iraq. No room for pessimists says he! Just think positive. We'll be okay. Just wait and see.

You saw our "president" standing before the General Assembly this week. The members of the Assembly sat mute. They made no attempt to applaud even politely. It was deadly. Did not George die a thousand deaths up there? Did he not sweat bullets? Probably not. George doesn't live in reality, so he doesn't realize what's happening. I guess in a way it is better for him to live in his ivory tower. That way his impending departure from the White House is not on his mind.

Bush: The liberation is "succeeding."

Bush has dismissed the latest intelligence report as "guesswork." In his stump speech, he is STILL, I repeat, STILL connecting the illegal invasion of Iraq and September 11th. He repeats over and over that Saddam Hussein was an enemy of the U.S. (He mentions Leon Klinghoffer, murdered in 1985 on the Achille Lauro , during a time when the U.S. was courting Hussein and when Rumsfeld visited Hussein.) Saddam was our friend until he invaded Kuwait. Bush 41 saw the error of invading Baghdad. His son, sadly, did not. And apparently George W does not look to his father for advice. W has undone the foundation of his father's work, which was built upon by President Clinton, writes Sidney Blumenthal in "The Guardian."

Bush is counting on us not being in reality. He must evade, deny and suppress reality. Otherwise he will lose the election.

George Bush will lose the election.

[Click on the blog title to go to the Blumenthal article.]


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